Friday, November 8, 2013

The Studio: A Love/Hate Relationship

I am fortunate enough to have enough space to convert one of the bedrooms to a working studio. It's an artist's dream! This is the love part. 

This is the hate part:
I am a very messy artist. I jump from project to project, leaving destruction in my wake. No matter how many times I "clean up" in here, within 10 minutes, it looks like this again. I'm like a gaggle of unsupervised toddlers in toy store. As a result, most of what I start rarely gets finished.

Recently, life has changed dramatically for me. There may come a point when I am no longer as fortunate as I have been, and looking at this room only contributes to the clutter in my mind. The stress has been overwhelming at times. I have been trying to line up my ducks, but they are disobedient little fuckers, and refuse to snap to. I am forced to start shooting them.

Duck #1: Clear out the studio. This has been my goal all along, but it needs to move faster. I have given myself until 5pm today (it is 12:33pm EST right now) to make it happen.

Challenge accepted.

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